Thursday, February 10, 2011

30 week belly + nursery updates

first things first, we are at 30 weeks people (well now almost 31, but oh well. at least the photo was taken on the 30 week mark!):

and i will be honest - there are some days where my tummy just hurts. not like a belly ache - but like someone is pulling at my skin in opposite directions. 
but, its all part of the journey! 

now onto the nursery! Ryan is working very hard to get things done - he knows how excited i am to see the crib built and in there (currently it is waiting for us in its box on the main level!) and to start decorating!

we last left you at this stage

starting the removal...

hard at work

and we got ourselves to this point
so where did we go from there?
my dad was very willing to come over and help us hang some decals i custom ordered on etsy. i knew i would not be much help to ryan, and my dad is very detail oriented so it was perfect!
the first tree trunk goes up
ryan jumped in to help

four other trees later makes 5...
we taped up the branches to determine lay-out

perfect! next and final step: leaves!
i can not say enough how much i already love Sydney's nursery. she has a much cooler room than we do and it is not finished yet. Ryan has started laying out the flooring, and has a friend coming over Friday evening to help a little more. if they do not finish I hope between Ryan and his dad on Sunday - the room will be ready for furniture!

more to come as we progress!

with love,
kristen, ryan, sydney & brigsby


  1. Oh! I missed the carpet pictures before, I love the grey with the orange. It looks lovely!

  2. we actually got RID of the carpet!
    i am just about to post a little sneak peek of the new flooring!!

  3. Lol!!! I am a spazz and should probably READ. I was so distracted by the pretty pictures. The wood flooring looks gorgeous girl!

  4. haha - i do it all the time!! thanks :D
