Friday, March 11, 2011

end of the week thoughts

first: i am VERY thankful it is friday. i am exhausted. and my feet hurt.
second: if I had to guess, i would say that someone, is pushing their butt up against my ribcage. comfy? not for me thanks. hope Sydney is comfortable though!
third: i want a nap
fourth: i am pretty pumped for Carrie to get here tonight from Iowa because...
fifth: tomorrow is my baby shower on "my side" of the family!!! I am SO excited!

we had our first official shower on Monday at my work - it was so much fun and we received a lot of very nice things! i cant wait until we can get Sydney's dresser and get that set up so I can start putting things away!

Let us also talk about swelling. Sadly, it has started. My feet are slightly swollen, as are my fingers. Dare I admit I think my face is slightly started too? All for the love of my little one.
I had my 34 week Dr's appointment yesterday - everything looks great :) I could not be more thankful with how easy this pregnancy has been going. Up until the heartburn and the swelling, I really have had no complaints to share. And I will try my best to deal with these complaints without sharing them too much - because I know how lucky I am. Although - someone could mention to my husband that a foot rub would be like a trip to disneyworld or something. 

Speaking of my husband. How lucky am I? Very. He has been fantastic, trying to help me as much as he can with things. Especially this past week - he is on his spring break from work and he has done more cleaning that I have been meaning to do than I have even asked! And embarrassing to admit - but he puts up with me snoring. I think I end up not breathing well at night when I tip over from the side I fall asleep on, to my back. What can I say, my belly is heavy and I just sort of roll unintentionally. But he really is a Saint putting up with it. Although I got a hint when he bought me some of those breathe-right strips!

One more 5 day work week and I am on my spring break - which lasts for 2 weeks! So far, I have one thing planned - a trip to the Mall of America and Ikea with a friend. That and resting. And cleaning. But a lot of resting I think. Because I can.

Exciting mail day yesterday! We got our custom crib sheets and fabrics in from the amazing Etsy seller NurseryDreams, that we have been working with.
Here is our crib sheet and changing pad cover (the same yellow fabric will be made into a crib skirt by my mom while I am on break)

and here is a headband that i felt the need to purchase. because im the mom and i wanted it for Sydney for photos:

and a few photos from my work shower:

and with that, i will end this lengthy post :) 

tomorrow is also a milestone in terms of my pregnancy ... anyone care to guess what that is?

with love,
kristen, ryan, sydney & brigsby

1 comment:

  1. super cute bedding! I need to info to your seller since I am planning nursery #2, just have to wait 10 more weeks before I can really get started....

    oh and I remember the swelling, it sucks, but it is temporary, my feet got so swollen by the end I could only wear ballet flats or flip flops
